Kranzberg Arts Foundation Visual Art
2021 & 2022 Call for Exhibitions

Deadline: June 15th, 2020

The Kranzberg Arts Foundation is now accepting proposals for our 2021 & 2022 Visual Art Exhibition Calendar. The submissions will be considered for both The Gallery at The Kranzberg and the High Low Gallery. While the theme of your proposal may conceptually vary, we do ask that the proposals submitted are for completed bodies of work. We are considering solo and group proposals, in all media. Both of these galleries have special attributes for the presentation of your work and showcases your exhibit within prominent venues in Grand Center Arts District. Curatorial assistance and studio visits are available upon selection.

Submission Guidelines

The jury will select artists/groups to exhibit for both the 2021 and 2022 seasons in The Gallery at The Kranzberg and the High Low Gallery. All applications will be reviewed by a committee. The stipend for each exhibit will be $500.00. Artist submissions must include the following:

  • Complete bodies of work
  • Digital images of 10 of the pieces:
    • Images should be JPEG approx. 2000 x 1500 pixels at 72 dpi (no larger than 3 mb). RAW and other formats will not be accepted.
    • Each image should be labeled: lastname_firstname_#.jpg (example Smith_John_02.jpg)
  • An image list with titles, media, dimensions (height x width x depth), date completed, and price (if applicable)
  • Current professional biography and CV
  • Artist Statement/Show Proposal
  • Outline of installation and de-installation process and approximate timeframe
    • It is the artist’s responsibility to arrange plans for transportation, delivery, installation, and de-installation of their work
    • The artist is allowed approximately 2 days for install and 2 days for de-install
    • Please allow for wall repairs in your de-install time frame
  • Submissions must be from U.S. residents living within a 200-mile radius of St. Louis, MO

By submitting your application, you agree to allow the Kranzberg Arts Foundation to use samples of your work for promotional purposes

Virtual Info Session

This presentation is a self-directed guide to our Call for Exhibitions General Information. Click through the presentation using your trackpad or computer mouse and even double click on images to zoom in for clarity where necessary. Examples of submissions materials were generally provided by previous exhibitors as samples for developing artist statements, bios, exhibition proposals, and professional cv.

You can also view a video walk-through of the presentation:

About the Gallery at The Kranzberg

Balanced with natural light and warm hardwood floors, the Gallery at the Kranzberg boasts an inviting environment with 800 square feet of dedicated installation space. The 8ft storefront windows on the Eastern facing wall allows 24-hour active viewership from the historic Grand Avenue for the duration of the exhibition, even beyond gallery hours. The Gallery can accommodate professional hanging systems, pedestals and archival quality vitrines that are available to exhibiting artists by request.

About the High Low Gallery

Nestled in the heart of High Low is a 600-sq. ft. gallery space equipped with modern gallery lighting and professional hanging systems. Exhibitors can extend displays beyond the gallery to the perimeter of the Listening Room adjacent to the gallery when available. Artists and organizations exhibiting at High Low have the opportunity to utilize a projection system, pedestals, and vitrines if desired.

Contact Us

Gallery site visits can be scheduled upon request.

Contact Gina Grafos, Director of Visual Infrastructure at


Applications for our 2021 & 22 call are now closed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can international artists show in your galleries?
The Call for Exhibitions is open to individuals who reside within a 200 mile radius of St. Louis, MO.

Q: Is there a submission fee to apply?
There are no submission fees for applying to our Call for Exhibitions application.

Q: “Is there a stipend for fabrication?”
Each exhibition is awarded a $500 honorarium. That honorarium is awarded once the exhibition is installed, so no it would not be given for fabrication. Also we are seeking exhibitions of completed bodies of work, not work that needs to be fabricated.

Q: Can I apply if I’ve shown work in one of the Kranzberg Arts Foundation galleries before?
Each year our exhibitors are selected by an external jury, so if you have another body of work to show, then yes.

Q: Can I sell work that’s on exhibition at your gallery space?
Artists are encouraged (but not required) to have their art available for sale during their exhibition. Artists exhibiting with the Kranzberg Arts foundation received 100% of any sales that occur during their exhibition.

Q: My work consists of experimental practices, can I apply for your call for exhibitions?
All media welcome. ( including 2d, 3d, time- based, performance, experimental,etc.)

Q: What do you mean by “dimensions”?
We are asking for the size of your finished pieces including the frame (if applicable) Please list dimensions as height x width x depth. Depth is only necessary if your work is three dimensional.

Q: How do I label my images/files? Which types of files are accepted? Is there a size limit?
Images should be JPEG approx. 2000 x 1500 pixels at 72 dpi (no larger than 3 mb). RAW and other formats will not be accepted. Each image should be labeled: lastname_firstname_#.jpg (example Smith_John_02.jpg)

Q: Why do my images need to be at 72dpi? What does dpi mean?
Dpi refers to the number of pixels that an image has which determines the quality of the image. We are requesting that submitted images be 72dpi (no larger than 3 mb). For our reviewing needs this dpi is high enough resolution for the jurors to be able to see the quality and craftsmanship of the artwork through our submission platform.

Q: What do you mean by “medium”?
List the primary materials and processes that you are using in your piece? (ie: photography, oil, pastel, print, clay, collage, mixed media, sound, etc. These are examples and should not be considered a comprehensive list of materials.

Q: How do I photograph my artwork to submit it?
Most cameras and modern smartphones are capable of producing high quality images to submit for consideration. We recommend documenting your art with a DSLR or point and shoot camera on a tripod for stability. If you do not own a camera consider borrowing one from a friend or having a photographer document your artwork for you. When taking your pictures consider placing your artwork in a well lit area with even light, or natural light if possible. When documenting a 2d work consider hanging the piece on a white wall, or easel and photograph your art straight on. Make sure that the images submitted only show the art (ie. no other art on walls, carpet, plants, studio as background etc.)

Q: What is a CV?
A Curriculum Vitae ( or CV) is a professional resume. It basically outlines your professional experiences.

Typical listings on a CV are the header (ex: name, email, website), education (did you pursue higher ed? if so, where, what did you study and date; if applicable), solo exhibition, group exhibitions, awards/fellowships, bibliography (has Canyon written about your work, if so include relevant links), relevant professional experience, community engagement (other art-related opportunities like community projects, mural work, etc), residencies attended (if applicable). The aforementioned are all relevant information for a CV and one should only use the categories that are relevant to them. A CV should be no more than two pages and is written in a list form like a traditional resume.

Interested in more info about CV’s and professional development in general check out GYST (forgive the colorful language in the title of the website). Digging around this site provides a lot of comprehensive professional development info in general. Here’s a link to their CV content:

Also, another site that can be used as a resource for CV, and they include a downloadable example that can be used as a template:

Q: Can your hanging systems accommodate a sawtooth hanger? Do we have to use the hanging systems, or can we use a nail in hangers on the walls?

Hanging systems are available, but not required. From previous experience saw tooth hangers are likely to work, but may not be the desired accommodation if the piece isn’t wired for hanging. Nails are acceptable for hanging. Note that artists are expected to return the room to its original condition during de-installation, which includes patching nail holes if used.

Q: Are the pillars in the Gallery at The Kranzberg able to have pictures hung on them? If so can a hanger that is nailed in be used?

Yes, the pillars within the gallery at the Kranzberg are functioning wall space if desired. Previous artists have hung works on them, but the pillars do not accommodate the hanging system but would accept nails, for example.

Q: Do you have any advice for emerging artists who haven’t applied for exhibitions before?
Follow the application instructions and submit all required materials. If you have specific concerns pertaining to your work sign up for a virtual studio visit with the foundations visual team. We are reviewing/ assessing submission materials and providing feedback. Sign up for a virtual visit here